FAQ Secondary
- The nature of lessons may look different across subjects, year groups and stages of the curriculum.
- Lesson time may be used to conduct quizzes, allow for students to listen to relevant recordings, PowerPoints with voiceovers, engage with students via their work or conduct on-demand learning activities (e.g Jacplus LearnOn, Education Perfect, Edrolo etc) or live conferencing forums. You may be asked to interact with online resources, write and respond in your workbook, resource materials from home or some required reading. Learning from home will engage in a variety of learning tasks, not all of which will be bound to your device.
- Check each subject’s Canvas Announcements
- Most lessons will start with a Conference Call
- Our online lessons follow the regular timetable
(see Edumate for the updated timetable).
Wellbeing 08:40 am - 09:10 am
Period 1 09:10 am - 10:10 am
Period 2 10:10 am - 11:10 am
Recess 11:10 am - 11:30 am
Period 3 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Period 4 12:30 pm - 01:30 pm
Lunch 01:30 pm - 02:10 pm
Period 5 02:10 pm - 03:10 pm
Please refer to this step-by-step guide
Please refer to this step-by-step guide
- Connecting with students to check on their well-being and capacity to work effectively from home.
- Confirm the learning intentions for the lesson (which may be continuing over a series of lessons).
- Sharing of documents, power points with real time or recorded voice-over.
- Setting of tasks in Canvas, while checking in on individual students/groups of students.
- Students sharing documents with verbal feedback given to whole class (applying differentiation strategies).
- Question and Answer between peers and teacher through the public chat or small group conference calls.
- Students who do not attend conference calls or submit evidence of learning will be contacted by the class teacher for explanation.
- Parents will be contacted if the email prompt is not promptly attended to by the student.
- Names of students who have a pattern of non-attendance and/or are not completing Canvas classwork/assessment to a satisfactory level, will be forwarded to the Year Advisors.
- Teachers will continue to contact students and parents of their own accord.
- Mentors and the Learning Enrichment team will continue to check in on student well-being at home and provide feedback to staff on any specific needs of individuals or families.
No. Most lessons will start with a Conference call but your teachers may be sick or away for some other reason. Check announcements in Canvas for instructions. Teachers will generally be available throughout each lesson via Canvas or email.
All students within a subject and year level will receive the same opportunities with regards to online teaching and learning. Heads of Faculty and subject teachers will routinely communicate within teaching teams to collaborate on planning and delivery of learning resources.
Live conferencing is not required outside of a subject’s scheduled lesson times; however, students can seek and obtain assistance and clarification from teachers via email/Canvas messaging. Teachers will respond in a timely manner.
Mentors will begin each day with a Mentor Group Conference Call which could include daily devotions, prayer and community communications that would normally be given during Assembly, Year Meetings, Chapel or House Meetings.
Your learning will be set up using the template of MUST / SHOULD / COULD. Your teacher will leave a range of learning opportunities for students in these tabs. If you have finished the MUST activities with ease then you are advised to move onto the SHOULD. This is the learning that we expect most students in a course to complete. If you finish this in a timely manner you are strongly encouraged to move onto the COULD exercises. These are activities to further challenge your skills and thinking or prepare for a future lesson.
All year levels:
- Any tasks assigned for you in Canvas must still be completed by that due date.
- Just as before, any student who does not submit their work, or submits their work later than the due date and time, will be held accountable in accordance with our Assessment Policy and Procedures.
- Some assessment tasks for Stage 4 & 5 will be modified to take into account online learning
- Formative and summative tasks will be scheduled as suited to the nature of the online work that can be completed in each subject
Year 11 and 12 students:
- Some in-class assessment events will take place on campus.
- NESA has authorised the Principal to permit adjustments to the nature and weighting of tasks to allow for shifts in programming requirements due to learning from home limitations.
- Subject teachers will communicate any adjustments to assessment tasks to reflect changes to program scheduling.
- Due dates for tasks will remain as set in the Assessment Schedule Handbook. Any changes due to the adjusted term dates will be communicated to you.
Any questions about assessment should be emailed to the Director of Secondary Teaching and Learning, Mrs Linda Hogan, on lhogan@nwcc.nsw.edu.au
- During our period of online learning, there may be instances when your teacher may be away sick for the lesson. Check your Canvas Course Annoucements for instructions on the work to complete.
- Should your query be of an urgent nature, perhaps related to submission or restrictions, and cannot wait for the teacher's return, contact may be made with your Mentor, Year Advisor, Head of Faculty, Head of Years (Mr Hinton) or Director of Secondary Teaching and Learning (Mrs Hogan).
- All learning from home is great learning!
- You will be guided by your teachers as to what work is required, and the time frames to complete tasks. Follow the instructions outlined in your lesson instructions for those tasks that must / should / could be completed.
If you need to contact your teacher outside of the usual lesson time, you can do so using email or Canvas Messaging.
- Your teacher will adjust the course so that online learning can continue.
- The College is aware that some practical tasks will not be possible with online learning, and your teachers will prepare alternative activities from other aspects of their subject area. Practical components may be able to be completed from home or during on campus rostered classes
- Our Learning Enrichment team is continuing to work closely with families. Students who require extra assistance should make their needs known to their IP support staff member, their mentor or subject teacher.
- If you have any concerns about your progress with the online work during Term 2, whilst working from home or on campus, you must let your subject teacher know.
- Students are expected to join live sessions. However, there will be Canvas Announcements to give instructions for each lesson.
- Teachers will be monitoring engagement and learning progress.
- Be respectful to all students and staff in the online conferences, including the public and private Canvas chats.
- Conference calls can be recorded and staff can view all of the typed chats that have taken place throughout the conference.
- Any behaviour that contravenes the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to the same behaviour management processes as you would if you were on campus for the day.
- Refer to the college Norwest Online – a guide to social media and online content and interactions document for further advice on how to conduct yourself appropriately online.