FAQs Primary

Does it matter if we don’t cover everything?

No, we just ask that you do your best with your child each day. The main things to aim for each day are the ‘Must’ activities that include Mathematics, English and one other Key Learning Area.

Do we have to follow the schedule exactly?

No, we have provided this schedule as a suggestion as we know students thrive off a daily routine however, you are welcome to adjust the daily plan to suit your family’s needs during this time.

Do we have Home Learning for Term 3?

No, due to the online nature of learning for Term 3 separate Home Learning tasks will not be set each week while we are learning online.

What do we do if we run out of books to read?

Make use of Online Reading forums such as Sunshine Online found on the Online Reading Tile on Canvas. Blacktown libraries are also offering a service where you can borrow books and have them delivered to you.

If my child's sick do they still do online class?

No, if your child is sick as per usual process, they need to rest at home. It would be helpful to notify the classroom teacher so that they are not following up on incomplete work during the time that your child is unwell. Please notify the College through primaryabsent@nwcc.nsw.edu.au to advise that your child is unwell and won’t be completing work online.

Can’t login to Math/TypingTournament/TableRockstar

Please contact your child’s class teacher via email.

What do students do if they finish all their work?

Choose an activity from the Choice Board.

Can't understand what you are learning?

Primary: ask your teacher via Canvas Discussion Infants: email your class teacher and let them know.