Primary Communication Notes

A reminder that SPM meetings are scheduled for next week on Tuesday, 1 April, and Wednesday, 2 April. If you are unable to attend at your allocated time, please contact your child's classroom teacher.
Imago Dei - Thursday, 3 April
Imago Day is a special annual celebration at our College, reminding us that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image. This year’s theme, Composing Peace, encourages students to wear cultural dress, proudly representing their heritage as a gift from God. Please take some time to plan and discuss what your child might wear. They will have the option to change into their uniform later in the day if they wish.
Thankyou for your continued efforts in ensuring your child is abiding by student uniform guidelines. As part of this, please support your child by reminding them to bring in their hat everyday and wear it at all necessary times (in the morning, recess, lunch and in the afternoon).

Monday: P.E.
Tuesday -
Wednesday - 
Thursday: Library (Kangaroo & Wombat - Week A, Echidna & Platypus - Week B)
Friday: Sport

No notes this week.

Year 1
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday: Sport (1KM, 1W, 1B) + Library (Wk A: 1CB & 1W, Wk B: 1B & 1KM)
Thursday: P.E.
Friday: 1CB Sport

No notes this week.

Year 2
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday: Sport
Thursday -
Friday: Sport + Library (Week B)

What we have been learning...
This week in Year 2 we have been doing some very exciting learning! In Maths, we have been learning how to read clocks to the quarter hour. Some of us are finding this quite tricky. We would love your support by finding ways over the weekend and coming week to point out the time with your child so they become more familiar. Exposure to both digital and analog clocks will help them. In Writing, we have created a series of acrostic poems. Students have been loving this! You might like to ask your child how to teach you to write one. In Art we have finally finished painting the donut sculptures we started earlier in the term. We are so proud of the way students persevered with this challenging art project and it is lovely to see how proud they are of their work.

Year 3
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -

No notes this week.

Year 4
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday - 
Thursday -
Friday - 

No notes this week.

Year 5
Monday: Library (Week A)
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Sport
Thursday - 
Friday: P.E.

Year 5 Camp
We are so excited to be heading off to Bathurst for Year 5 camp in Week 10. It will be a fun and valuable time for students to immerse in the learning that they have been doing in History about Australia's Gold Rush period. In the coming days, students will receive all necessary information. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact your class teacher.

Year 6
Monday -
Tuesday: P.E. + Library (Week B)
Wednesday: Sport
Thursday: Music
Friday -

No notes this week.