Primary Communication Notes
Book Covering
We have had a slight delay in the arrival of our exercise books this year. Once these books have arrived, we will send home a pack of your child's books to be covered in clear contact.
Open Classroom Afternoon
Thank you for coming along to our open classroom afternoon this week. It was a valuable time to meet our families and start learning partnerships for the year. We hope it was a good opportunity for you to see your child's learning space and meet the teacher. Throughout the year, please don't hesitate to contact your classroom teacher with any questions or issues which may arise.
Monday: P.E.
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday: Library (Kangaroo & Wombat - Week A, Echidna & Platypus - Week B)
Friday: Sport
Seesaw Access
Kindergarten will be utilising Seesaw this year, an online learning platform where students and teachers can upload and share learning. This allows families a glimpse into the learning happening in the classroom. All families should have received a QR code to access their child's Seesaw class! If you have not yet received a code or are unable to connect please contact your child's teacher.
Developing Responsibility
It has been wonderful to see Kindergarten students developing their confidence and independence as they settle into Primary. Some of the ways you can support your child include: Helping them practise opening and closing their lunchboxes independently. Reminding them what to eat for crunch and sip, recess and lunch. Informing them of how they are getting picked up each afternoon. Ensuring ALL belongings are labelled to support them in looking after their belongings.
Term One Learning Overview
MATHEMATICS: Whole Number (Representing Numbers, Before and After, Ordering, Subitising), Length, Addition and Subtraction, Time, Data. English. INITIALIT: Introduction to Reading, Handwriting, Vocabulary. WRITING: Nursery Rhymes, Sequencing, Recounting. SCIENCE: Living World- Senses, Living and Non-Living Things, Fibre from Plants. TECHNOLOGY: Using iPads and Seesaw. ART: Painting, Oil Pastels, Warm and Cool Colours, Using Shapes, etc. History, Personal History- Being Unique, Growing and Changing, My Past, Family. MUSIC: Beat, Pitch, Dynamics, Tempo, Body Percussion and Instruments. BIBLICAL STUDIES: Creation, God Loves Us, Sin, Jesus. P.E. AND SPORT: Fundamental Movement Skills, Teamwork, Ball and Movement Games
Please ensure girls are only wearing plain studs or sleeper earrings. No other jewellery is to be worn. Also we have noticed some girls uniforms have had the pleats sewn down. Please unpick these. Pleats should be open to the bottom, only having a hem at the bottom of their dress. Sports uniform is only to be worn on Mondays and Fridays.
Year 1
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday: Sport + Library (Week A: 1CB & 1W, Week B: 1B & 1KM)
Thursday: P.E.
Friday -
YEAR 1 | |
Know Your Norwest Video
On Tuesday 11 February, a link was sent out to parents to a video with key information about Year 1, 2025. Please take the time to watch this video as it provides helpful information for the start of the year. A link was also shared for parents to indicate their availability for parent participation opportunities. Please complete this form ASAP so that teachers can begin rostering for Reading Groups.
Learning Snapshot
There are lots of exciting things that Year 1 will be learning over the course of the term. By way of a snapshot, here are some of the topics we will be covering: ENGLISHT: Writing procedures and descriptions, handwriting, spelling and reading. MATHS: Topics include whole number, addition, subtraction, data and telling the time. SCIENCE: Living Things - plants and animals. GEOGRAPHY: Natural and man made features of places, weather. VISUAL ARTS: Print Making. BIBLICAL STUDIES: The Bible, God's Story. HEALTH: Peacewise conflict resolution, Personal Identity
Seesaw Connection
Year 1 will again be utilising the Seesaw app as a way to share student learning, and to show pictures of students receiving awards at our weekly grade assemblies. A connection code will be shared with you in students' Home Learning folders which will be sent home in Week 4.
Year 2
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday: Sport
Thursday -
Friday: Sport + Library (Week B)
YEAR 2 | |
No notes this week.
Year 3
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
YEAR 3 | |
No notes this week.
Year 4
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
YEAR 4 | |
Learning Overview
This term in Year 4, the students will embark on an exciting journey exploring a variety of captivating topics across different subjects. In English, they will be completing a novel study of Nim’s Island, investigating how characterisation and genre conventions are used in the text. They will also be creating their own adventure stories. In Maths, students will cover essential concepts including data, place value, the four operations and fractions. In Science and Technology, students will investigate the different properties of various materials and their purposes. Additionally, in History, they will learn about world exploration. We’re excited about the learning journey ahead and look forward to your child’s active participation and growth in these topics.
Year 4 Camp
We are excited to be heading to Lutanda Toukley in Week 8 This is an awesome opportunity for students to stretch themselves, have fun and build relationships. Please ensure that permission and medical forms, as well as the waiver, have been completed and returned to the office.
Year 5
Monday: Library (Week A)
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Sport
Thursday -
Friday: P.E.
YEAR 5 | |
Thankyou for the smooth start to uniform this year. Please ensure girls are only wearing plain studs or sleeper earrings. A simple ring may be worn (a band, with no gems). No other jewellery is allowed. Boys must also have their shirts tucked in, with both old and new uniform shirts. Sports uniform is only to be worn on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Year 6
Monday -
Tuesday: P.E. + Library (Week B)
Wednesday: Sport
Thursday: Music
Friday -
YEAR 6 | |
Thank you for ensuring your children's iPads have been ready for the school day each morning. We would be greatful if you could please ensure that all devices have been updated and that all essential apps have been downloaded to ensure they are ready for all learning at school (students can find the list in a link at the bottom of the Canvas Home Page). A few students have not yet brought in their wireless keyboard - please ensure that they are bringing one in as soon as possible.
Students in Year 6 will be using diaries to keep track of important events and changes to routine. They will be asking parents to sign their diary over the weekend to ensure that you are aware of any such things. If you have notes for your child's teacher (e.g. technology or uniform concerns), you are welcome to write this in the diary and have your child show your teacher.
Home Learning
Home Learning will commence in Week 4. We kindly request your attention to ensure that your child diligently completes all components of the assigned tasks each week. This will look different to homework from Year 5, with activities coming home and due on different days of the week - a schedule will be posted on Canvas to keep students on top of their work.